Friday, November 9, 2012

Songs Of The Week #13: MinneSarah & TCDroogsma

P.O.S., Dark Dark Dark, Benjamin Gibbard, Allen Stone, & Gospel Gossip...

Well hello again, mp3 junkies!

Welcome to the thirteenth installment of Songs Of The Week. If you're somehow still unfamiliar with what this column is, each week we ask two of our regular contributors to give us their thoughts on the five songs given away by The Current via their Song Of The Day podcast.

This week we asked MinneSarah & TCDroogsma to take a break from being the sexiest 30-somethings in the Twin Cities and give us their thoughts. They have not read each other's criticism prior to posting.

As always, we highly recommend that you visit The Current's website and sign up for the podcast yourself. Playing along at home is fun for the whole family!

To the right of this post you'll see a poll. Feel free to vote for which of the five songs was your favorite this week.

So, 30-somethings, what'd you think?

01. P.O.S. (w/Justin Vernon) – Where We Land (from the album We Don't Even Live Here)


      P.O.S. is a MN treasure.  This is an indisputable fact, especially if you have listened to his last two albums. Go buy We Don't Even Live Here!

     The last P.O.S. album provided me with immeasurable comfort when I was slogging it out in Vancouver, so getting this album on my home turf is especially satisfying.   The tight lyrics and delivery are still here, but this song shows that P.O.S. can still keep it fresh (was that ever a concern, folks?). I especially appreciate how the lyrics are about the things we cannot change, but must accept.  "Fuck it, it's what I got so I'll trust it."  P.O.S. knows life can have more downs than ups, but lyrics like these embrace both ends of the spectrum. Hell, he makes that dude from Bon Iver sound good.


     To the surprise of absolutely nobody, I've really been digging this new P.O.S. Record. I love everything that's going on in “Where We Land,” the problem is that there's just too much going on. The first ¾ of the song are absolute gold, but the Vernon verse near the end seems unnecessary. Plus, every time I listen to the song I end up with Fall Out Boy's “Thnk Fr Th Mmrs” in my head.

Final Score: MinneSarah -4.5/5
                   TCDroogsma - 4/5

02. Dark Dark Dark – Tell Me (from the album Who Needs Who?)


     I'm not super familiar with Dark Dark Dark, but I feel like I could rock this walking down the streets of Portland (sorry, dated reference, we all know Portland is now Minneapolis-lite).  The redemption here is the singer's ability to capture sadness in her voice.  The lyrics are about a relationship not living up to expectations, which is not the most original sentiment, but the singer sells it.  Pairing crunchy guitar with a solid piano line is a good move, but it's the singer who really carries the song.  As far as hipster old world meets Americana, this is a much better specimen than most of those type of bands on the market.


     All the songs I've heard by Dark Dark Dark in the past have been slow, moody, and meticulous. When I read that Nona Marie Invie & Marshall LaCount (the principle songwriters in the band) had broken up... Well, let's just say I wasn't expecting this song.

     Honestly, “Tell Me” is a surprisingly upbeat, dare I say, pop song. Not only that, it's actually an incredible love song. “I want to live in the time when you cherished me, oh, to go back to the place when your hands moved over me...” Jesus Christ! That is a soul crushing line. I have no idea how they could play this song together without just collapsing. Just a brilliant single.

Final Score: MinneSarah -3.5/5
                   TCDroogsma – 4.5/5

03. Benjamin Gibbard – Hard One To Know (Live at the KEXP Studio)


     This guy again?  Live acoustic performance?  Don't get me wrong, I love when girls sing about bad relationships - it's sort of our birthright.  But when guys whine and whine, it's not sexy.  I guess it works sometimes -  a Sean Na Na lyric comes to mind - "All those little diary guys with their doe-ey doe-ey eyes - are programming their radio shows like a mix tape for your thighs."

     The lyrics are pretty much - "girl you're so special; sometimes that annoys me; sometimes I feel lucky; you are a wild card but ultimately you make me feel bad; does anybody else want to date a sensitive guy holding a guitar?"  Also, Current, you had to take this one from Seattle's KEXP?  Playing Ben Gibbard every hour for the past two weeks hasn't lured him to your studios for a live performance?  For those who don't know, KEXP does it's own song of the week podcast, and I have discovered a wealth of music from that free resource. 


     Ben Gibbard recording live at a Seattle radio station? I'm surprised they were able to stop jerking each other off long enough to actually record a song.

     Listen, Benjamin, I'm sure breaking up with Zooey Deschanel sucked. She's ultra foxy. But, “you tell me to stay and then you tell me to go...” Not sure if you're aware, Benny, but bitches be crazy. Frreal, though. If this is your attempt at an “angry kiss off” type-song then you're failing. Badly. I hate any situation that leads to me advocating a spinning of Blood On The Tracks, but this, “I just don't understand what you want from me!” pose isn't a good look. Grow a pair.

Final Score: MinneSarah -1.5/5
                   TCDroogsma - 1/5

04. Allen Stone – Sleep (from the album Allen Stone)


     If you haven't fallen asleep during that last song, get ready to wake up.  Allen Stone is pulling at that old school R&B revival, but get this - he looks like Beck's cousin.  If that doesn't still count for something these days, then I am completely out of touch with the kids (this point is debatable).  Upbeat songs are always awesome.  Chronicling tales of woe associated with insomnia is usually not interesting, but Allen makes it enjoyable. There is a section of call and response where his friends and or family (or singers he's paid) try and offer cures, but he's just not having that.  If you see a guy who looks like Beck's little cousin with dark circles underneath his eyes, for the love of cats, go pat him on the back.


     I would rather listen to 50 Ben Gibbard outtakes than this "New Motown" shit. I blame Cee-Lo.

Final Score: MinneSarah -3/5
                   TCDroogsma - 0/5

05. Gospel Gossip – Atlantic Blue (from the EP Atlantic Blue)


      Shoegaze is back!  'Bout time?  Listen to this song and discuss amongst yourselves. I don't have a lot to report about this song.  It is sort of Sigur Ros meets My Bloody Valentine.  It seems a lot longer than 3:41. Even the tambourine is subdued in a sea of reverb. Hey, Allen, I've got just the thing for you!


     I wouldn't say I love Gospel Gossip. I mean, I don't own any of their albums and the one time I saw them I thought they were.... meh. And yet, this is the third song I've really listened to from them and I find that I certainly appreciate them. The reverbed guitars and somewhat indifferent vocals don't sound like 90's posturing so much as they sound like Gospel Gossip genuinely still thinks it's 1996. I can definitely get behind that.

Final Score: MinneSarah -2/5
                   TCDroogsma – 3.5/5

There you have it, everybody! Another week of songs listened to, reviewed and filed away.

As always we would like to note that this blog and its contributors are in no way affiliated with The Current, MPR, or any of the artists.

For more MinneSarah she can be found on Twitter & Instagram (@MinneSarah). Be patient, she's a good follow.

For more TCDroogsma he can be found on Twitter & Instagram (@TCDroogsma). He can also be found on his personal blog Flatbasset or on this blog yammering like an idiot on his Flatbasset Radio Podcast.

Lastly, this blog has a Twitter home (@NewestIndustry1) which you should follow to stay up on all the work being done by our contributors. We also have a Facebook page here. Stop by and give us a “like” if you happen to find yourself bored and killing time on Facebook. Which you're actually probably doing in another tab right now.

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